Troubleshooting and reporting errors

Bugs, failures, errors, warnings - all of those things may happen with the software.

In order to help diagnosing the issue, we would need a bit more information, so that we can reproduce the error the app shows in this case.
When you start the app, before opening or creating any project, please click on Settings and in the Troubleshooting section choose the path for the "Debug Log"
Full path to the file is needed, for example 
Regarding the debug logging, this global app option is designed to be used only when we request to turn it on.
It should be set on an attempt to provoke the error, then turned off (since it slows the app processing).
Please note that the debug log may be overwritten when the app is started.
Please try your conversion or connection attempt once again and send us the logs - we might be able to see what is causing the issue.
Additionally to aforementioned global debugging log, if you're able to connect to both source and target database and you create or open the project, please go to the "Project options" and under the "Log files" section fill all of the logs (easiest way is to click on "Auto-fill logs" and choose the folder for the logs)

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